Officium Ecclesiasticum Abbatum secundum Usum Eveshamensis Monasterii

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 •  9781870252256

A monastic ritual intended for use in the Benedictine monastery of St Mary and St Egwin, Evesham, Worcestershire, edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barlow MS 7 (SC 6419).

Although similar to other surviving manuscripts that have been labelled as pontificals, this MS contains no episcopal offices, all rites being appropriate for celebration by the abbot or his delegate. Of the three sections, the first contains general regulations concerning the role of the abbot in liturgical and extraliturgical ceremonial, ordines for catechumens, tonsure, monastic profession, admission of laybrothers, marriage, blessing of pilgrims, blessing of various vestments, and various blessings for use at the night office. The second has the special blessings relating to liturgical celebrations from 2 February to Easter, and blessings for use at the night office on 1 November. The third section has ordines for the visitation of the sick and Christian burial.

It was probably written c. 1300, for John de Brokehampton, abbot 1282- 1316, though the first two sections appear to be copied from earlier compilations.

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