
These pages incorporate the materials assembled for the original Henry Bradshaw Society website by the late David Chadd.

Information about the society’s history and publications is reproduced with permission from the following publications, with grateful thanks to Anthony Ward, SM:

  • Anthony Ward and Cuthbert Johnson, ‘The Henry Bradshaw Society: Its Birth and First Decade 1890–1900’, Ephemerides Liturgicae 104 (1990), 187–200
  • Anthony Ward, The Publications of the Henry Bradshaw Society: An Annotated Bibliography with Indexes, Bibliotheca Ephemerides Liturgicae Subsidia 67 (Rome: Centro Liturgico Vincenziano, 1992)
  • Anthony Ward, ‘The Publications of the Henry Bradshaw Society: The Decade 1991-2000’, Ephemerides Liturgicae 115 (2001), 82-94

Images on the front page: